
It is done to detect changes or abnormdities in CI Colon and rectum,
During Colonoscopy, along flexible (colonoscope) is inserted into the rectum.

A tiny video camera at the tip of the tube allows the doctor to view inside the entire colon.

If necessary polyps or other type of Abnormal tissue can be removed.
through the scope during a colonoscope.

Tissue samples (biopsies) can be taken during a colonoscopy as well.

Why it is done?

Investigate intestinal signs/symptoms :-

  • A colonoscope can help you there to explore pample causes of Abdominal Pain, rectal bleeding chronic anstipation,Chronic diarrhoea and other intestinal problems.
  • Seen for colon causes
  • Look for polyps

Risks :

  • Adverse reaction to the sedative used during exam.
  • Bleeding from the site where a tissue sample (Biopsy) was taken or a polyp or other.
  • Abnormal tissue was removed.
  • A tear in the colon or rectum wall (perforation)

Prepration :

  • Clean out empty your colon
  • Follow special diet day before the exam
  • Drinks – limited clear liquids
  • You may not be able to drink or eat anything after the midnight before the exam.
  • Either pill or liquid form in same case enema cut- night before the exam or few hours before the exam to empty colon.
  • Adjust your medication – If you take blood thinness, anto coagulation anti platelets

During  procedure sedation is usually recommended.The exam lying on your side on the exam table usually you drawn toward your chest. The doctor will insert a colonoscope into your rectum.The scope which is long enough to reach entire layer of your colon contains a tube that allows the doctor to pump air or CO2 in your colon.The air or CO2 inlates the colon which provides a better view of the colon.

When the scope is moved or air is introduced you may feel abdominal cramping or urge to have a bowel movement.

Colonoscope also contain a tiny video camera in tip .The camera sends images for an external monitor , So that the doctor can study the inside of your colon.

The doctor can also insert instrument through channel to take tissue sample (biopsies) or remove polyps or other areas of abnormal tissue.

Typically takes about 30-60 minutes.

After the procedure :-

It takes about an hour to begin to recover from the sedative.

If removed polyp during colonoscopy.You will need to have special diet.

You may feel bloated span gas for a few hours after the exam.Clear the air from your colon,walking may help relieve any discomfort.

You may also notice a small amount of blood after colon and bowel movement.

Consult the doctor if you continue to pass blood or blood clots or if you have persistant abdominal pain or a fever.

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