Spiral Enteroscopy

Motorized Power Spiral Enteroscopy is a new technique, where a special scope with a spiral overtube is used.The motorised spiral enteroscope has an inbuilt motor operated by a foot pedal, which drives the rotation of the spiral segment. The forward pedal triggers clockwise movement of the spiral segment. This causes pleating of the bowel, enabling smooth and safe insertion of the endoscope into the intestine. After examination or treatment of the small intestine, the backward pedal causes the bowel to unpleat, allowing the enteroscope to be pulled out of the patient’s body by reverse spiral rotation. in a very short span of time, it is possible to diagnose and treat immediately the small bowel lesions. In its therapeutic potential, it can be used to control bleeds, dilatate strictures, in cutting polyps and removing foreign bodies. Sometimes, the capsule swallowed previously for the evaluation of the small intestine could get impacted in the narrowed segment of the small intestine, however, such capsules can be removed with the new technique in a short span of time.

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