- Role of EUS in pancreatic and biliary diseases, Endoscopic conference organized by Apollo Hospital, Kolkata 2011
- How to do mediastinal EUS- Workshop Organized by Asia Endoscopy at Mumbai- 2011
- Comparison of plastic and metal stent in palliation of jaundice in malignant biliary obstruction before surgery- Annual meeting of SGEI at coimbtore 2011
- EUS basic technique- Endoscopic meeting organized at Jaipur 2011
- Technique of EUS FNA, Annual meeting of SGEI, at Jaipur 2012
- Role of EUS in Today’s practise at Annual CME organized by SGRH, New Delhi December 2012
- Role of Endoscopic ultrasound in cholangiocarcinoma, at EUS conference organized by Jaswant RaiHospital, Meerut 2012
- Role of EUS in day to day practise- Annual meeting organized by Delhi Medical Association 2012
- How to do mediastinal EUS at Workshop organized by AIIMS- 2013
- Role of EUS in GI diseases- Workshop organized by International Hospital at Gauhati- 2013
- Role of EUS in Today’s practise at CME organized by Sir Gangaram Hospital New Delhi, May 2013
- EUS: What should a gastroenterologist know. Workshop oragnized by Department of Gastroenterology,SGRH, New Delhi, December 2013
- EUS anatomy of mediastinum. Conference organized by SMS Jaipur. 2013
- Role of EUS in today’s practise. Annual meeting of SIMON. Kathmandu 2013
- Role of Endoscopic ultrasound in Pancreatic malignancy. EUS conference organized by Jaswant Rai Hospital, Meerut 2014
- Role of EUS In fundal Varices, Annual EUS Conference Organized By Jaswant Rai hospital, At Jaypee Hospital Noida.
- Achalasia Cardia POEM vs Pneumatic Dilatation. ISG west Bengal Chapter, Kolkata, 2017.
- Advances in Endosocpy. ISG Kanpur Chapter, 2017.
- Role of EUS in Fundal Varices. Annual Hepatology Conference organized by ILGPS, SGRH New Delhi, 2017
- Esophageal motility Disorders, beyond Achalasia. Third Space Endosocpy Conference at Ahmedabad, 2017.
- NBI in GI Disorders. Case Presentation. Mumbai Live. 2018
- NBI in GI disorders. Case presentation. Third space endoscopy. Pune 2018
- Lecture on Advances in Endoscopy. Himalaya Institute of Technology. Jolly Grant, Dehradoon 2018
- CME. Advances in Endoscopy. IMA Mathura. 2018
- Debate. POEM vs LHM. Conference organized by Institute of Minimal Access surgery, SGRH, New Delhi.
- Debate. POEM vs LHM. Conference organized ISGCON, India at PGIMER Chd, India.2019
- Role of EUS In GI practice. Conference organized ISGCON, India at PGIMER Chd, India. 2019
- Difficult endoscopy: Rules. APDW Kolkata, India 2020.
- Basics of EUS. EUS conference organized by Indian EUS group at Hyderabad, India, 2020.
- Role of EUS in pancreatic and biliary diseases, Endoscopic conference organized by Apollo Hospital, Kolkata 2011
- How to do mediastinal EUS- Workshop Organized by Asia Endoscopy at Mumbai- 2011
- Comparison of plastic and metal stent in palliation of jaundice in malignant biliary obstruction before surgery- Annual meeting of SGEI at coimbtore 2011
- EUS basic technique- Endoscopic meeting organized at Jaipur 2011
- Technique of EUS FNA, Annual meeting of SGEI, at Jaipur 2012
- Role of EUS in Today’s practise at Annual CME organized by SGRH, New Delhi December 2012
- Role of Endoscopic ultrasound in cholangiocarcinoma, at EUS conference organized by Jaswant RaiHospital, Meerut 2012
- Role of EUS in day to day practise- Annual meeting organized by Delhi Medical Association 2012
- How to do mediastinal EUS at Workshop organized by AIIMS- 2013
- Role of EUS in GI diseases- Workshop organized by International Hospital at Gauhati- 2013
- Role of EUS in Today’s practise at CME organized by Sir Gangaram Hospital New Delhi, May 2013
- EUS: What should a gastroenterologist know. Workshop oragnized by Department of Gastroenterology,SGRH, New Delhi, December 2013
- EUS anatomy of mediastinum. Conference organized by SMS Jaipur. 2013
- Role of EUS in today’s practise. Annual meeting of SIMON. Kathmandu 2013
- Role of Endoscopic ultrasound in Pancreatic malignancy. EUS conference organized by Jaswant Rai Hospital, Meerut 2014
- Role of EUS In fundal Varices, Annual EUS Conference Organized By Jaswant Rai hospital, At Jaypee Hospital Noida.
- Achalasia Cardia POEM vs Pneumatic Dilatation. ISG west Bengal Chapter, Kolkata, 2017.
- Advances in Endosocpy. ISG Kanpur Chapter, 2017.
- Role of EUS in Fundal Varices. Annual Hepatology Conference organized by ILGPS, SGRH New Delhi, 2017
- Esophageal motility Disorders, beyond Achalasia. Third Space Endosocpy Conference at Ahmedabad, 2017.
- NBI in GI Disorders. Case Presentation. Mumbai Live. 2018
- NBI in GI disorders. Case presentation. Third space endoscopy. Pune 2018
- Lecture on Advances in Endoscopy. Himalaya Institute of Technology. Jolly Grant, Dehradoon 2018
- CME. Advances in Endoscopy. IMA Mathura. 2018
- Debate. POEM vs LHM. Conference organized by Institute of Minimal Access surgery, SGRH, New Delhi.
- Debate. POEM vs LHM. Conference organized ISGCON, India at PGIMER Chd, India.2019
- Role of EUS In GI practice. Conference organized ISGCON, India at PGIMER Chd, India. 2019
- Difficult endoscopy: Rules. APDW Kolkata, India 2020.
- Basics of EUS. EUS conference organized by Indian EUS group at Hyderabad, India, 2020.